Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Film Analysis

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

OW: Harry and Lloyd have insignificant jobs. Harry cleans dogs and Lloyd is a limo driver. "It's okay. I'm a limo driver!"
Call: Lloyd meets Mrs. Swanson. He falls for her. While watching her leave at the airport, he notices that she forgets her briefcase. "Goodbye my love!!!!!" (Crash).
Refusal: Lloyd brings the briefcase back to Harry. "I'd have to be some kind of lowlife to rooting around in someone else's private property." "Is it locked?" "Yeah, really well too." Harry doesn't want to go to Aspen.
Mentor: Lloyd talks Harry into it. "So I wanna go someplace where we know someone who can pluck us in to he social pipeline." Lloyd breaks down in tears. Harry consoles them. It's like they're both mentoring each other.
Threshold: "You sold my dead bird to a blind kid?" They embark on their journey in the sheepdog. Road trip! They arrive in Park City.
Tests, allies, enemies: They pick up a hitchhiker and accidentally kill him. They think he's a friend, but the audience knows he's the bad guy out to hurt them and recover the briefcase. They meet C-bass in the diner. He hocks on their burger and they stick him with the bill. "Genius, sheer genius. So what happens in the movie? They get away scot free?" "Know. About a half-mile down the road he catches up with them and slits their throats. It was a good one." (Engine roars). They drive 1/6 of the country in the wrong direction. Lloyd trades the sheepdog for a scooter, straight up. They reach Park City, frozen to each other. In Park City, they break open the briefcase and realize it's filled with tons of money.
The Road Back:
Resurrection: "Harry. You're alive! And you're a horrible shot."
Return with Elixir:


  1. hahahahaha o man. Don, my favorite part of that entire movie is when harry says "he hocked on my burger!?" haha i am so glad you added that in. but have you read my gift post yet? you need to get on that, im looking forward to some feed back brotha!

  2. Dude, Karl this is lame there ist no new example. Therefore I have no road map.
    Party on!
    Marry Happy!
    Christmas! New Year!
    Styke Out

  3. I feel like a young calf in a herd of cattle that can't find new pasture because the cowboy has died and there is nobody to lead the herd.

    just kidding but I am a little lost with the last assignmet.
    congratulations with your new kid.
    merry christmas
